For a Europe of regions and cities: the view of young people

As part of its 20th anniversary celebrations, the Committee of the Regions (CoR) will be inviting 150  young people including interns from the EU institutions, regional representation offices and Brussels-based think-tanks, students of European affairs and members of youth organisations and European political parties, to discuss the future of a "Europe of regions and cities". The one-day conference on 1 April aims at collecting views and recommendations while focusing on three questions:


·           Is all EU politics local? What are the CoR's future political priorities?

·           Voice and visibility: how can regions and cities bring Europe closer to the public?

·           How should the CoR fit into the EU's institutional architecture in the future?


As a general rule, participants should be aged 30 or under and should submit an application to attend by the end of the working day on 7 March. 150 participants will be invited taking care to ensure a good geographical and gender balance.


We would like to ask you to forward this message to interns, students and colleagues, who might be interested. More information and the application form can be found at:


In case you have further questions about the event, please do not hesitate to approach us.


Wolfgang Petzold

Head of Unit

Directorate for Communication, Press and Events

Unit for Events, Fora and OPEN DAYS


Committee of the Regions

Rue Belliard 101 - B-1040 Brussels

Tel: +32 (0)2282 2358
